Woodturning Classes in Port Stephens
Classes & Teaching
Teaching is one of my favourite parts of my job. There is nothing more satisfying that seeing wood shavings peel off with ease and helping other find that satisfaction is so rewarding. All of my classes are tailored to the student, whether it is their first time on a lathe and learning the basics, refining the techniques or challenging someone with a bit of experience. My classes are run in my workshop in Salt Ash and can be either for one person or 2.
Beginner Classes
3-4 hours | $300 single, $450 double
Beginner classes are for those that have never held a gouge or have very minimal experience. We will start with some tool control, going through the basics of spindle turning. Then we move on to my favourite part, making a bowl. The beauty of turning is everyone walks away with a finished piece to be proud of.
To book a class for yourself or as a gift, send through an enquiry to organise a time or to buy a gift certificate
Intermediate Classes
$80/hr or $500/day, plus materials
These classes are tailored to the individual to suit their learning requirements. The aim of these sessions is to build confidence in the student through refining technique and making adjustments to improve their work. This can be helpful if you have a set project in mind or you want to create good habits in turning.
To book a class for yourself or as a gift, send through an enquiry to organise a time or to buy a gift certificate
Classes through Wood Academy (Timberbits)
As well as running private classes in my own workshop, I am also the lead wood turning teacher at Wood Academy in Marrickville. There are 2 day or 5 day group classes in a very well equipped workshop where all students will be on a vicmarc lathe.
Check out the website to see classes and dates:
Some of the classes cover are:
Intro to wood turning,
Natural edge classes,
5 days of bowl turning
2 days of bowl turning
Pen turning
Demonstrating for clubs and Symposiums
I have been lucky to demonstrate to clubs and symposiums through Australia and overseas, sharing my favourite projects. Being able to sit in on demonstrations has been so valuable in my own learning and I love that I can share some of my knowledge with other now.
Some of the projects I have taught include:
German ring turning,
decorative platters,
emerging square edge bowls,
the avocado box,
power carved patterns,
power carved textures,
the record plate
turned spheres.
The German ring turning demo is an option for IRD over zoom. I found a nice blend of prerecorded footage with live narration. This allows me to more clearly cover the techniques in more depth as I wont be distracted by camera angles which can be tough with this demo.
To organise a demonstration, send through an enquiry to line up a time
Enquire to book
Fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible to book in your class or demonstration.